Seven of Wands…


Your hard work has the power to lift you above the fray. You have dedicated yourself with diligence and authenticity to advance your drive and success and you feel like you are beginning to take flight. But, you find yourself in the position to help others. In fact, you have a crucial choice to make - who will you take with you? What person or people have proven to be indispensable in your personal quest? Who deserves the chance to go with you on your journey forward toward higher ground? How might they help you further in your new found elevation or have they simply earned the chance to feel that same sun glowing on their cheeks? Take a minute here, before you fly off to make sure you have the deserving people you need by your side. Be cognizant of the needs of others, but also the needs of yourself, as you transcend. Why go it alone, when you have a beautiful way to multiply your experience through the support of others? Choose wisely.

“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” - Misty Copeland

The Seven of Wands from The Fantastical Creatures Tarot by Lisa Hunt


The Magician…


Ten of Wands - Reversed…