Six of Swords - Reversed…
Your heart feels trapped and is calling out to you for a change, but your mind cannot release it’s hold. You may think that change is impossible, but that doesn’t make it so. Your perception of a situation isn’t fact - it’s tainted by past disappointments and false promises filling your senses with lies. These ideas in your mind have ensnared your spirit, and while you wish to move forward on a path in a new direction, you refuse to believe you can because you will not allow yourself to see what is on the other side. Listen to your caged heart - give it a voice. Let it speak to you of what is possible everyday until you believe it to be true. Then you can set a course for a new and exciting direction. Then you will see the distant promise of land on the horizon.
“Lead with the heart. It knows the way.” - Anonymous
The 6 of Swords (Reversed) - Art by Sarah Danielle Mitchell