
You may think that what you know to be true is right, but balancing the scales of fairness is a lot more complex than meets the eye. There are differing opinions, yes…but there are also differing experiences in any given situation. When you see everything only from your viewpoint, you are not necessarily seeing things clearly. Today, face a tricky situation head on by taking your time to try to explore it from all vantages. Listen and understand with openness of mind, heart and spirit. Decisions don’t have to be made quickly, but should be approached with impartiality and this will be challenging. If you strip away your pre-conceived notions and face the idea that you don’t have all of the answers, you will ultimately make the right choices - choices based on honor and equity. Real power can be discovered in objectivity.

“Are you listening, or are you busy forming opinions?”
― Akiroq Brost

Justice from the Sawyer’s Path Tarot by Jamie Sawyer


The Queen of Swords and The Four of Wands (Reversed)…


The World - Reversed…