Some repeating cards…
I had a fascinating exchange with my Rider/Waite/Smith deck this morning on our behalf. I pulled the 3 of Cups (Reversed) which is a card from last week and I just wasn’t feeling it, so I pulled again. And I pulled the 5 of cups which is yesterday’s card and felt like the deck was, perhaps, laughing at me at my effort to change the tone. So I pulled one more - mostly for more information - and I got the 8 of Wands which was also pulled last week (but in reverse) - at lease we are know upright and making progress. I have always believed that when cards repeat in a reading, they hold deeper significance and it’s not lost on me that 3 & 5 = 8. SO, here we are - still not dealing with the emotional shake ups we have been dealt, relying on toxic personal behavior to carry us through, even though we know it won’t. Movement has now become key to lifting ourselves out of any kind of emotional murkiness we have taken upon ourselves. What fiery movement in a new direction can you undertake today to lift you from this watery prison? It could be as simple as going for a walk/run to get out of your psyche and into your body. Or, it could imply a bigger change - relocating, changing your environment in some way. Whatever you decide, it’s time we conquer this Dragon and use it’s unruly energy to our advantage. So, don’t just stand there - get moving!
“If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree.” - Anonymous
The 3 of Cups (Reversed) - The 8 of Wands - The 5 of Cups (All from last week’s readings…)