Strength - Reversed…
I pulled this card at the start of the day and then the day stepped in to prove it to me. There are moments when we disconnect from our inner sense of flow and easiness. If you are feeling disjointed and overwhelmed by the sudden difficulty of the tasks at hand, this could be a symptom of a much larger internal rift. We’ve all felt the push and pull of day to day challenges, but how we choose to approach these challenges is incredibly significant. Today I felt jarred by the problems that appeared and the more I allowed myself to become entrenched in that feeling, the less I was able to focus and apply myself authentically to the solutions. So, my question for us all is, “Do we want to catch that lion and find small ways to hold it captive until it eventually breaks free and devours us? Or do we want to tame and care for that lion so it becomes devoted to us and we learn to work together as one?” Don’t push or pull. Find a deeper understanding by allowing instead. All involved will benefit.
“Your resistance is what slows things down for you. Allow instead of resisting.” - Roxana Jones
The Strength Card (Reversed) from the Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman