Your cup runneth over and your pockets are lined with money!!! I’m sure you’re laughing at this and thinking, “I WISH”. But here’s a question for you, if you had to choose between love and money what would you pick? And, don’t say “well if I had money - love would come, so I pick money.” That isn’t always the case - there are plenty of unloved, sad rich people out there! Aren’t you glad you aren’t one of those?!? But seriously…Love OR Money? I know - it’s an unfair choice. Here’s a better question - if you had more money than you knew what to do with, how might you use it to encourage more love and togetherness in your life? Sometimes we have to ask ourselves these tough questions and keep asking until we get to the truth of what is really missing in our world. Once you have that truth - you will likely be surprised that you may not need money to manifest it…. Can’t wait to see what action you take next….