Ten of Pentacles…

Have you been saving your pennies in hope that you can build a future that rewarding and abundant? Good job! But, maybe you should envision the juicy details of that future first? Make a list - what are the many ingredients for your most abundant life? Dream up your most luxurious existence and fantasize about what it would mean to be experiencing it all. Really get specific in the factors - the feel, the taste, the touch, the smell of each little mention on that list. Now, assign yourself a mental price for each thing on that list - how much do you need to save for each experience? Now, as you add to your future fund, you will have a clearer sense of what your savings will afford you each time you put a nickel, dime or dollar in your pot. Stay connected to your list - tally up your riches not by the amount your have in your account, but by the vision of what you can do with those riches! And, if you feel like spending on something rewarding in the moment, instead of waiting for that “rainy day”, DO IT!

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” - Henry David Thoreau

The 10 of Pentacles from Tarot Grand Luxe by Ciro Marchetti


Weekend Perfection…


The Ten of Swords - Reversed…