Ten of Swords…
Your super power for the week ahead is…knowing when something is over and letting it go! If you try to force growth from something or someone that is unwilling and unable, you are only draining your own life-force with no tangible result. You know when it’s done, so free yourself to start a fresh and exciting new adventure! The longer you hold on and try to make it work, the more NOTHING in your life will work. You have bled the situation dry - dissolving all of its nutrients . Trust your judgement and start anew. I know it’s hard to accept, but it doesn’t get any easier if you stay and force it. So free your mind and grow something else - something that will flourish with wild abandon!
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” - Seneca
The Ten of Swords from The Sacred Rose Tarot Deck by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman