Ten of Swords - Reversed…

Mental overload can take a toll on your emotional wellbeing. Lately, the overwhelm of the mind has been ensnaring your spirit in a painfully challenging way. This Ten of Swords (Reversed) reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from a beloved childhood story. In an effort to ease some of the mental anguish we face, wouldn’t it be delightful to be a fairy that only has “room for one feeling at a time”? It’s sounds ridiculous, but what if you truly allowed yourself the fullest expression of each emotion your thoughts bring to you to? To distill each moment down to exactly how you feel and release that feeling with total abandon, would be so freeing - would it not? On the eve of October and as the full moon begins to wane, see if you can set your emotions free and in turn, open the mind to what truly matters. Name and express each tormenting feeling that has been holding you down over the last month. Feel it, express it fully and then let it go. Wake up in October, refreshed, recharged and ready to start a new chapter! I love a little Fairy-inspired magic…

“Feel the feeling, but don’t become the emotion.Witness it. Allow it. Release it.” - Crystal Andrus

The Ten of Swords (Reversed) from The Mystic Faerie Tarot by Barbara Moore and Linda Ravenscroft


Day One - Tarot Challenge - The Path…


King of Pentacles - Reversed…