Ten of Wands (Reversed) & The Moon…
I love that the Moon Card jumped out today directly after the Wolf Moon - the first full moon of 2025! This message followed me all day today and it truly resonated. It’s time to start over. You have been carrying so much for so long on your mission to make things grow. Some of those things DID grow and then you had to carry them further. The heaviness of having to be the one to shoulder so much is just not serving you anymore. Turn your back on what you have been through and let your deeper desires rise to the surface. Sit in the beauty of your own power and do not for a second doubt that there is no new path waiting for you. It’s there. Your subconscious will light the way and your wildest, but most loyal, companions will come to your side and sit with you in the silvery light of the unknown. Sometimes, the unknown spills out of your spirit to quicken your personal power - sometimes the unknown is your savior.
"People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
The Ten of Wands (Reversed) and The Moon from The Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein