The 10 of Wands…


So, you’ve been very busy - highly productive, actually! But, to get all of this done, you have accumulated so many commitments that you just feel overwhelmed. The burden of what is on your plate makes it too heavy to carry. And, this on a SUNDAY?!? Listen, you are so close to the finish line with what you have been working on - you deserve a break. Not just a break where you sit down and think about all of the things on your to-do list, but a full blown letting go of what is weighing you down. I know the idea of it fills you with anxiety, but you can totally do this - just for a day! In fact, if you allow yourself this momentary relief, it will refuel you and you will find yourself better equipped to face those challenges ahead as you leap this particular hurdle and complete what you have set out to do. So, STOP WORKING and get outside. Enjoy the day and all of the beauty it has to offer you. Do something unnecessary, but joyful. You earned it. And whatever is left on that list - can wait til tomorrow.

“Taking time to do nothing often brings EVERYTHING in perspective.” - Doe Zantamata

The 10 of Wands from the Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson


The Magician - Reversed…


The Queen of Wands…