The Ace of Pentacles…


This week ahead, you have the opportunity to make some changes that will enrich your life. I know that what you think you most need is money, but look a little deeper and take advantage of all of the lushness you currently have at your disposal. A few small enhancements to your surroundings could transform the way you feel. Use this week to take stock of your living environment, both inside and outside. How does this environment reflect the manner in which you dream of living? Does it at all? What beautiful and enchanting things do you possess with which you can transform your cave into a flourishing garden? What can you repurpose in your dwelling that will inspire you to blossom and grow? Do you need a cozy nook just for you? Have you explored your current neighborhood for all of its hidden, outdoor escapes? Is there a beautiful piece of art or cozy blanket hiding in the back of your closet that is calling to be displayed?Move the pieces of furniture around until it all fits in a way that resonates with the warmth you deserve. Repaint your canvas of living in the most radiant color and light of your heart. Buy yourself some fresh flowers and make an arrangement you will love to see when you have your morning coffee or tea. You don’t have to have money to transform the way you feel. And, if you feel abundant and grateful for the riches you can afford, the money will find you.

“My box bedroom can only fit a bed and a wardrobe, but it was my whole world. My only personal space to think and dream, to cry and laugh and wait until I became old enough to do the things I was not allowed to do.” - Cecilia Ahern

The Ace of Pentacles from the Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck




The Fool…