The Devil…

The devil returns today to keep us from doing what truly needs to be done. Are you feeling the same level of distraction as me today? There’s so much going on and with the holidays approaching, it’s overwhelming. Also, I find myself drawn away from the important work in progress by silly diversions and things that pop up that don’t truly matter, but are hard to resist. There’s that devil - the little impish impulses that lead you astray. It’s easy to say, “practice a little self-control!” but harder to commit to it, though it’s definitely what is needed.. So, be aware of when you are being tempted off-track and bring yourself back to the task at hand.

“Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory.” -Frederick W. Faber

The Devil - Art found on Acelion


The Eight of Wands - Reversed…


Reversed Six of Swords - Reversed Devil…