The Devil - Reversed…


We are frequently nervous when the Devil appears in a reading, but sometimes it’s just a simple message to remind us not to give in to temptation. There are so many things that can tempt us away from being true to who we are - people, food, alcohol, drugs, netflix binge watching, social media, dark thoughts, self sabotage…the list can go on and on! Tonight take a minute before bed to recognize your most toxic everyday behavior. What are the things you do that suck away your time or cause you to lose sight of your goals? What are those little activities or people that you can’t shake that the experience in the moment feels so fun and good, but later you feel haunted by regret? It’s important to have awareness of these foils, because then if you choose to continue your indulgence - it is a choice. But, see if you can pin point the ones that you really want to get a handle on and then set yourself up with a game plan on how you might defeat them. Don’t give in - RESIST! You got this… (BTW, Pizza and Ice Cream are big ones for me…)

“About the only time losing is more fun than winning is when you’re fighting temptation.” - Tom Wilson

The Devil (Reversed) from the Housewive’s Tarot & and Art Print from Black Iron Art.


Eight of Swords…


Queen of Swords - Reversed…