The Eight of Pentacles Reversed
The Eight of Pentacles (Reversed) - Rider/Waite/Smith Deck
Are you hard at work all of a sudden? Good for you! But, slow down for a second, take a step back and really try to see the bigger picture of your goals for the project. You may be hyper-focused on tiny details that are moving you further away from your target. Are you feeling like accomplishing many things at once and getting a lot done really quickly is beneficial to you? I definitely understand that the momentary sense of completion as you check things off your list can feel motivating, however you could be missing so much. In our crazy culture of multitasking, we sometimes lose sight of our ultimate destination. Take a moment and get a better sense of what your project truly requires. Then, stay on track by slowing down and taking your time with each piece of work you put into it. Ultimately, this will be a better and more fulfilling way to work toward your goals!