The Emperor…
We are off to a majestic start to the week. You may find your schedule full of important duties and obligations, but it seems you will be owning every single commitment. Navigating all of the colorful characters and energies that appear will involve a structured approach, though. Guidelines must be stated and followed, but I think you know that. Boundaries will be paramount in your approach. You set the tone, so take command of the manifesting challenges and celebrations (there will be both and everything in between). Let others do your bidding, but oversee their actions with focused benevolence and humanity. Let’s face it, you have so much going on, it’s like you have the whole world in your hands right now. The responsibility of it is awesome, but your special brand of dynamic leadership is exactly what is needed. Sit in your own power.
"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." – Eleanor Roosevelt
The Emperor - Artist rendering by Annalobello on Deviant Art