The Emperor - Reversed
The Emperor (Reversed) - a rendition from the Star Wars Tarot by Eli
Do you currently feel a heavy burden of responsibility has been placed upon your shoulders? Is it magnified because others rely on you so heavily? It’s normal to want to rebel against this, or simply long to just walk away. But, the power that you hold in your life doesn’t have to feel so burdensome. Re-envisioning your personal brand of authority can provide you with fulfillment. Approach your overwhelming duties in a different way. Begin to notice today how your influence can ease others and invite joy and comfort. Take a moment to enjoy the results of your reverence towards others and how they respond to it and you. Your direction and guidance is potent power. And how you exert that power says everything about who you are and how you will feel at the end of the day. By being gentle to other’s needs, you are also being gentle to your spirit.