The Empress - Reversed…

Feel like you are floating listlessly through outer space? It’s ok to have a day where you just feel empty and disconnected from the world around you. You don’t have to feel full of life and wonder in each and every moment. In fact, sometimes you just have to throw your hands up and accept that you lack inspiration. Allow yourself the space to do and be nothing. If you can, imagine you are not a star, but the space in between those stars - existing only as dark matter. Wiki lists this regarding outer-space atmosphere: “Observations suggest that the majority of the mass-energy in the observable universe is dark energy, a type of vacuum energy that is poorly understood.” Disappear into the vacuum today, if you feel poorly understood. Allow yourself the dark space to just not care. By doing this, you will eventually restore your spark, I promise.

“I subscribe to the idea that personality is like a muscle and sometimes you have to let it go limp and detach yourself from any associations.” - Alan Palomo

The Empress (Reversed) Art by Valeria Arava


King of Cups…

