The Empress - Reversed…
This week you may feel uninspired and disconnected from your own creativity. Ideas won’t come easy and if they come, you will be surprised that you just don’t know how to expand upon them. In this muted state, it might be easy to shut down and simply give in to the static. But, please keep in mind that a creative block can just be a precursor to a major creative breakthrough. You are on the verge of something greater - something way more colorful and prolific! So treat this momentary artistic impasse as a chance for you to catch your breath before true inspiration grabs you by the hand to take flight. Ready yourself for what is coming and show up despite the silence - find excitement in the surprise of what is yet to be born.
“Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too. If she doesn’t show up invited, eventually she just shows up.” — Isabel Allende
The Empress - Reversed - Tarot Art by Unknown Artist found online