The Five of Swords - Reversed…
This weekend I spent a fair amount of time untying knots - gnarls in necklaces that I hadn’t dealt with, tangles in cords on various appliances that I let sit, a few snags in the stitching of old sweaters and finally the mess that once was the string for my window blinds. It occurred to me that there might be a deeper metaphor at play and when I pulled this card this morning, there it was. The Monday after a holiday can be quite overwhelming, but it’s time to untangle our thoughts. I think we have been fixating, ruminating and exaggerating much of what we have at hand. The story in our minds can twist us up in a baffling and intimidating trap. You know better than to let your thoughts ensnare you like they have been. So, take it one tiny tangle at at time and begin to untie your mind. Today is the perfect Monday to free yourself!
“A dame that knows the ropes isn’t likely to get tied up.” - Mae West
The Five of Swords (Reversed) from the Wheel of Change Tarot by Alexandra Genetti