The Five of Swords - Reversed…
You have been extra competitive and you have been playing this game your own way. Though you may think you have the upper hand, the real truth is the conflict has become so complex that you and all involved are now surrounded by foreboding, gathering clouds. A storm is brewing and you continue to laugh as you are overtaken by the greyness of uncertainty. What does “winning” actually mean to you?! Do you want to stick around to see the clouds open up and the winds hit you with sideways rain, or is it time to admit to yourself that you have taken things too far?!? Do any of the people caught in this impending downpour deserve what you have set in motion? What is your true aim here? Ponder this tonight. It isn’t too late to clear the air and begin to operate from a much more honest place. And, I’m sorry to say, you can’t win every single time…
“You can’t win every battle. Sometimes victory comes in the form of bowing out gracefully.” - Toni Payne
The Five of Swords (Reversed) from the Robin Wood Tarot