The Five of Wands…
Get it together, witches! I’m flying in with some strong tarot tough-love for our week ahead. We don’t have to all agree, now, do we?!? BUT we must treat each other with respect and work together to conquer the task at hand. It’s so easy to let differences, big or small, get the best of what could be a truly magical outcome. DON’T. Have the insight to push beyond petty disagreements this week. If a full on fight erupts, remove yourself from it’s path - you do NOT need to become entrenched in the drama. There is so much potential here for an incredible end result, but the chaos of clashing personality threatens to burn it all down. While you may feel like you must stand your ground and fight, you will spoil the brew in process while you are distracted by anger and fear. Stay focused and unite!
“Remember your words can plant gardens or burn whole forests down.” - Gemma Troy
The Five of Wands from The Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba