The Five of Wands - Reversed…
Whatever chaos lit up your day, you must hold tight to the beautiful moments that kept you going. As you settle in for bed, forget the swirling distractions that tried to heat up your life today. You don’t have to control, plan or strategize. It’s better to let the swirling madness exist outside of who you are - you don’t have to control it. Hold on to what is most dear and retreat inward. When you embrace the beauty of who you are all the rest is just outward commotion. Quiet the spirit - quell the fire and let the world do what it must. You are whole and pure. You deserve the chance to embrace your own inner peace. Now drift off to sleep in the white, blissful center of your being.
“Her purity of spirit would never be in question, though she moved through a blemished world.” - Ian McEwan
The Five of Wands (Reversed) from The Star Tarot