The Fool

The Fool from The Sacred Rose Tarot Deck

The Fool from The Sacred Rose Tarot Deck

This card keeps appearing as a “Card of the Day” for us! Today, I pulled 3 cards and had my client pick which card called to her as our“Card of the Day” and she went with The Fool. When I asked her why she picked him over the other options, she simply said, “Because he does not give a @#$#!!!”. I was definitely cracking up, but she’s right. We spend so much of our precious time thinking, feeling, worrying, planning, doing and it just goes on and on. Especially in this super intense pandemic atmosphere - everything is heightened. Take a moment today to just not “give a @#$#!!!” You are allowed, every so often, to not think, feel, worry, plan and do. Sometimes what you really need is to be carefree. Take at least a few moments today to check out - you’ve earned it and The Fool wants you to.


Knight of Pentacles


The Nine of Pentacles