The Fool - Reversed…
Wow! This is a whirlwind start to the week. If you are like me in this moment, no matter how much you prepare for what you have on your agenda, you still feel like you are winging it. So many things that you had brewing are reaching their boiling point, and though you have been seasoning and stirring all along, it is now out of your hands. But, your hands are full and there are multiple distractions from your planned recipe. It can feel a little bit like you are free falling, but you cannot tell which way is up and which way is down. But, you ARE prepared, so when you land, take a moment to compose yourself and then hit the ground running. Change is swarming you, but you are primed for it. This chaos is just a temporary visitor. You are ready to conquer it - trust your instincts and rely on all of the hard work you have already put in. Your recipe is a recipe for success.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” - Charles Darwin
The Fool (Reversed) - Artist’s Rendering by Antonz Sandor