The Four of Wands…
For the week ahead, it’s time to focus on balance and building a secure foundation for your life. This is a tall feat and the thought of it is a little wide in scope, but let’s get a little more specific. If you had to chose four people in your life that lift you up when life tries to push you down, who are your “fab four”?!? These are the people in your life that help support the foundation of who you are and, likely, you do the same for them. Once you have your list, this week, you have a tarot homework assignment. Call them one at a time and show your gratitude for their undying love and support. Celebrate who they are by thanking them in a fun way. While you are on the phone with them, pull a card - this card represents the fun new element they can bring into your life this year. Share with them this message and the hope that you can continue to make magic with them in the years ahead. At the end of the week and after a few incredibly affirming phone conversations, lay these cards side by side and study the guide map of the foundation they have helped you to build. Are there any hidden messages here that you have missed? What new magic can emerge from this message of solidarity and united strength? Take a photo of your four cards - representing your four most reliable friends - and save it in your phone as a reminder of just how balanced your foundation is. Whenever you feel off-kilter, examine this photo and remember that you are lucky to have such a solid base of dedicated humanity in support of who you are. Use this love and support to make magic!
“It’s the friends you can call up at 4am that matter.” - Marlene Dietrich
The Four of Wands from Britt’s Third Eye Tarot Deck