The Four of Wands…
You hold the keys to finding the personal harmony you crave. As a card for our week ahead, finding balance is essential, but think about taking it a step further. What are the elements that ensure you connect with that inner sense of absolute stability? What are the tools you use to feel secure? Those tools might be useful in other ways…. There are so many doors for you to open! How can you enlist your own mechanisms for stabilization to unlock those doors and walk into a few unknown, but exciting new situations with ease? Balance is nice, but exploration of possibility is calling to you. You don’t have to ditch your solidity to really push the limits of who you are and where you are! This week, investigate all the ways you might step outside of your comfort zone, but maintain your personal equilibrium as you branch out, fling open doors and discover the newness of who you are! You got this, friend. Have a blast and trust the steadfastness of your spirit!
“A very little key will open a very heavy door.” - Charles Dickens
The Four of Wands from The Magic Gate Deck - Fantasy Art by Samiramay