The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man from The Ghost Tarot

The Hanged Man from The Ghost Tarot

Does your spirit feel depleted? Are you the ghost of who you once were trapped in a repetitive cycle of reliving your past over and over and over again? It’s ok to reexamine the emotional memories of your former haunts, but do it in a way that will allow you to release the ties that are holding you back. This energy can linger and materialize when you least expect it in ways that keep you bound to unhealthy and unfulfilling behavior. And, let’s be real here - are you actually trapped or is this an illusion? Letting go is hard, but it’s time to cut those earthly ties - the ones that should be dead and buried. Walk toward the light. Emancipate yourself. You deserve to be the fully realized version of you. You cannot remain in this limbo forever.


Four of Pentacles - The Hanged Man - Two of Wands


The King of Wands