The Hanged Man…
It’s time for you to perform the daring feat of self-suspension! Take your current perspective and spin it around hard and fast until you are so dizzy you don’t recognize where you are. Then, find a way to take that disorientation and hold it in the air high above your current location. Then, just be there - hold this new position without any expectation or need. Notice the place where you just were…looks different, doesn’t it? But, just notice it - don’t judge. Hold this dangling version of self even more. You may start to feel uneasy. Take note of the reasons why. But, just take note, don’t judge them. Keep holding! Sustain the uncomfortableness until it feels normal. What else do you see up here in this new place you have created? Who else joins you to say hello? How are they experiencing the height? I think you might start to have fun in this new realm you’ve created. You won’t be able to sustain this forever, but there is an element of openness you have absorbed that you can take with you when you free yourself. There is freedom in knowing there is never just one way and sometimes it takes a complete shift in perspective to prove it. Ok, you can release now….
“No prison can hold me; No hand or leg irons or steel locks can shackle me. No ropes or chains can keep me from my freedom.” - Harry Houdini
The Hanged Man from The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti