The Hanged Man - Reversed…

In order to make sense of some of the chaos, you have had to restrain and suspend yourself far above the fray. While hovering above it all, you allowed yourself time to consider how you might re-engage from all angles. This fresh perspective didn’t come easy - it was really hard work, but it was the right thing to do. You can now re-enter your life with greater purpose and an easier approach. You know what you need for success, but also for the mental health of all involved. Mindfulness is tough work, but you understand that you must step outside of your comfort zone to get to a better way. Take all that you’ve learned and get yourself ready to launch. Now, just release!

“Your perspective will become your prison or your passport” - Steven Furtick

The Hanged Man (Reversed) from The Ethereal Visions Tarot Deck by Matt Hughes


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