The Hermit…
The truest part of your essence may need a little retreat. Tonight, take the tiny light you have simmering inside and hide it away. But, do this with purpose. Your glimmer, your moon-sliver of life energy requires solitude, but the kind of solitude that will allow it to dance in meaning and understanding. Do you remember when you were little and you stowed away under a tent of sheets or crawled under that desk or table with a flashlight? Maybe instead, you went out in the night and climbed that mysterious tree and sat in silence among a sea of fireflies? Tonight, find a new place of comfort and reflection - a place where you can rediscover who you are and who you were meant to be. Imagine that your own heart is like a firefly - filling your every pore with magical effervescence. Sit with this glow in quiet reflection and let it fill you with a strong, but humble, sagacity. Love yourself and live in the knowledge that your purest light holds great meaning for others, so it deserves this delicious moment to refuel. When you are ready, you will share this with the world, but until then, this light is yours and yours alone - nurture it with unrivaled love and juicy magic.
“We are stars wrapped in skin. The light you are seeking has always been within.” - Unknown
The Hermit from The Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso