The King of Cups…
Your feelings matter and can be the key to a greater vision for the future of many. What?!? No, truly. Powerful leadership doesn’t mean taking control and just telling everyone what to do. It’s more than just setting guidelines and making rules. Feel your way to what is truly necessary to expand in all directions. Listen and really connect with those who are working for you and around you to understand their feelings and needs. Be sensitive to the emotional energy that emerges within yourself and others as you strategize a more focused vision. This can inform a more holistic way of moving forward. Your impact can flow in ways you hadn’t even thought, if you decide to lead with compassion and kind heartedness. You don’t have to make a splash - let your ideas ripple and absorb what it’s like to be truly loved and respected in your leadership role.
“Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” - Dalai Lama
The King of Cups from The Mystic Mondays Tarot by Grace Duong