The King of Pentacles…

This weekend your well thought out and methodically implemented plan will pay off. Abundance was always yours for the taking, but you needed to open a pathway for it to reach you. You have been diligently working toward that goal, both internally and externally and you are going to be rewarded for all of that effort this weekend. Allow yourself to indulge in the luxurious results this endeavor provides for you. You have taken the lead and therefore, you deserve the riches that pour upon you! Whether it’s money, a ravishing new personal vibe or a lush and vibrant experience, soak it all up with great reverence for your own success. If you feel moved to, share your secret with others, so they understand their own power to attract bountiful wealth of spirit. If you don’t feel moved to, that’s ok too - you are in charge of how you will celebrate this windfall.

“True abundance isn’t based on our net worth. It’s based on our self worth.” - Gabrielle Bernstein

The King of Pentacles from The Mermaid Tarot By Leeza Robertson


The Emperor - Reversed…


The High Priestess…