The King of Pentacles - Reversed…
You may feel on top of the world when you are dolled up - people look at you differently and treat you with greater respect. You get noticed and you have greater self confidence. BUT, you are still you underneath it all. So, while it’s nice to feel this greater sense of worth, don’t let yourself get carried away. There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Don’t lose sight of the fact that the outside cover doesn’t always accurately reflect what is inside that juicy novel. Who you truly are is even more exciting than what you are presenting as - so don’t underestimate your own, personal authenticity. If you really want to impress with honesty, strip away the outer layer you have painted on and just be yourself. In the long run, the kind of respect you earn will be way more sustainable…
“There is a difference between being arrogant and being confident. Arrogance is of ego, while confidence is of soul.” - Regina
The King of Pentacles (Reversed) from The Mystical Monday Tarot by Grace Duong