The King of Swords…
You know what is needed for a cohesive and enjoyable weekend. Trust your intellect and use it to set plans in motion. If someone in your inner circle tries to interject, dominate them with your ideas and they will bend to your will. Sound aggressive? It doesn’t have to be. Just having the knowledge and the determination to set that knowledge in motion is a powerful enough move at this point. You are cloaked in the support of the universe and have the natural ability to help others see things more clearly. So, step into your power with grace, but be unbending in your decision making. Later, all those who succumbed to your steadfastness will thank you for the brilliant and bold experiences they had because of your thoughtful planning. Invoke the spirit of the wind, and let all those thoughts swirl together into your own unique plan of action - then lead everyone in the direction of your vision!
“There are dreamers and there are planners. The planners make their dreams come true.” - Edwin Louis Cole
The King of Swords from The Robin Wood Tarot