The King of Wands - Reversed…

When you meet someone who is visionary, it’s easy to feel inspired to jump on board and support their mission! However, in your current quest, you may want to apply logical reasoning to their approach. Don’t blindly say yes to their every whim because you are fired up about what they stand for. Question it. Their intentions may be good, but their intentions may not be manifesting into healthy action. In fact, when you really dissect the manner in which they are leading everyone in a direction of their own desire, you will start to see how twisted the objective can become. If you must continue to follow, follow with caution. Protect self and others and make a habit of setting reasonable boundaries regarding your involvement. And, it’s ok to retreat. Inspiration is everywhere and perhaps you are not meant to follow.

“Caution is the eldest child of wisdom.” - Victor Hugo

The King of Wands (Reversed) from the Deviant Moon Tarot Deck by Patrick Valenza


The Three of Pentacles…


The Six of Swords…