The King of Wands - Reversed…
Happy Monday! Feeling frustrated already? I know you know how to fix something that the higher-ups have done a number on. Creativity and vision aren’t always executed well by people who are not willing to let go and collaborate. It’s incredibly unfortunate, but in this case, you will only drive yourself crazy if you try to step in and help. They will shoot you down or worse. They may steal whatever information you share and declare creative ownership of what you have to bring to the table. So, lay low - let it all unravel. They will soon come to you for what they need and then you will be able to set the terms and protect your own worth. Until then, you have better things to do with your time than insert yourself to save those who have too much of an ego to even recognize that they need saving. So, relax for now. It’s not worth all the drama….yet.
“Creative power is mightier than its possessor.” - Carl Jung
The King of Wands (Reversed) from Tarot of the Cat People by Karen Kuykendall