The Knight of Pentacles…

You seek adventure. But, as you are trotting out into the dusty frontier, it’s important to pause and reflect on your surroundings. Feel a bit of gratitude for the simplicity of your existence. You have what you need to advance - a heroic confidence, a stoic dedication, true grit and the open road. How you choose to use your strengths is up to you, but you have the strength within to accomplish what you need an want. A new direction is not a threat, it is a calling. The expanse of the countryside calling you toward honor, sacrifice and ownership. Ride yourself, without fear or expectation into the blazing sunset and appreciate every experience along the trail.

“Boy, I got vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals.” - Paul Newman as Butch Cassidy

The Knight of Pentacles from the Prairie Tarot by Robin Ator


The Moon…


The High Priestess & The Wheel of Fate…