The Knight of Swords…
This has been a week FULL of Swords! Are we using our minds or what? Thoughts have taken the forefront and, at times, have overwhelmed us. But, today you are ready to charge in and use all of the energy swirling around in your mind to take action. Cut through the chaos by allowing it to feed your motivation. Be defiant, speak your mind and defend what you believe in. Carefulness is not advised in this moment - just go for it! Sounds risky? It may be. But, sometimes taking a chance and flying into the fight is the only way to achieve honesty, clarity and understanding. Your determination to get what you want is quite powerful in this moment. If you bring everything out in the open, you will clear the path for forward movement. What are you waiting for? Charge in and say all of the things that need to be expressed. It will, at least, feel really good!
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.” - Maggie Kuhn
The Knight of Swords from The Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba