The Knight of Swords…

Busy life? Busy mind? If you were to stop and abruptly change your direction, what might you find yourself doing instead of what you are doing right now? Where might you be going? Who might you become? Big questions for a Saturday…I know. But, even the smallest shift in your direction can spark excitement in your day. Sometimes, you don’t have to stay on track. When you feel the inspiration just shift direction and charge into your new intention with fierce commitment. Even if you aren’t ready - even if you had different plans for your day or life and especially when you are unsure. Charge in with wild abandon - you can figure it all out when you get there or as you go. Try this today in the smallest of ways and see what magic unfolds.

“If you do not change your direction, you may end up where you are heading.” - Lao Tzu

The Knight of Swords from The Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland


Two of Pentacles…


The Eight of Swords…