The Knight of Wands…
I am pulling from a beautiful, new deck I’ve just started working with and already I feel like we are best friends. This week, let’s all agree to jump through rings of fire with effort and ease. If you could light up the sky with actionable ideas that are rooted in the most passionate part of your core - what are these ideas and actions? And what can you do this week, without hesitation, that will support you as you manifest these desired goals? Growth is assured if you trust the most feral instincts inside - especially when it comes to the dreams in your life that truly move you. You can act with spontaneity and follow all impulses while maintaining an exterior of calm understanding. Don’t tame the wild horse within - let her run free and she may lead you into the starry night of your subconscious. But, don’t hesitate - take action so you can get there and then own it without judgement of self or others. Your true passions are not a whim - they are a vital part of who you are.
“Blame it or praise it. There is no denying the wild horse in us.” - Virginia Wolf
The Knight of Wands from the Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein