The Lovers

The Lovers from The Kitchen Tarot

The Lovers from The Kitchen Tarot

Let’s get naked tonight! Metaphorically, at least. Peal off that outer shell and embrace your luscious vulnerability. The design of this particular card has a fun quote on it, “Choose between good and evil or have a little bit of both.” The Lovers Card presents you with a choice, but a choice that implores for a delicious exploration of the juicier side of you first. As you are preparing for slumber tonight, pause and take the time to recall your most delicious, but “forbidden” life moment. You know that moment where you felt like Eve biting slowly into that sweet apple. Recall the thrill, the joy, the fear, the rebellious freedom of it all. Reimagine the spine tingling goosebumps and the accelerated heartbeat that made you feel outside of yourself. Revel in the exciting defiance of it all. See if you can carry this feeling into your dreams. Oh, how delicious! When you wake from your nighttime merrymaking, ask yourself what part of this side of who you are needs more attention in your waking life. Sometimes, you have to choose, but sometimes you CAN have a “little bit of both”. Don’t deny yourself this special recipe for joy. So, what do you say…Cream AND Sugar?!?


Temperance - Reversed


The King of Pentacles