The Lovers…
Welcome a little taste of love this weekend! But, recognize that, though sweetness is guaranteed, it may come to you in a form that is unexpected and, perhaps, even untraditional. Therefore, you must be ready and willing to accept it when it is presented to you. If you are - float in to greet it with openness and allow the source to express the kind of partnership they are looking to engage you in. Whether this union is momentary or proves to be lasting, if you come to it with no expectations and simply meet this experience with focused grace, it has the power to fill you with a sense of completion. Respect and savor the gift of tenderness being presented. Lose yourself in a glow of intimacy and endearment. Let love find you any way it chooses. Happy Friday!
“Love takes many forms. It is up to you to choose which you wish to express.” - Deepak Chopra
The Lovers from Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson