The Lovers (Reversed)…

The Lovers (Reversed) from the Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane

The Lovers (Reversed) from the Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane

If you are feeling a sudden rift in a relationship, it may be time to examine the situation a little deeper. The distance between you might not be as sudden as you think. Get a higher view of the whole scenario - step outside of yourself to widen your perspective. There may be external forces at play - pressures from the outside world that are distorting your perception and the perception of the one you love. Communicate - start a simple dialogue without blame or hurt to help each other recognize the truth of what is there. Be ready and willing to own up to your own part in this - yes, you may be partially responsible! All is not lost yet. It’s time to put in the hard work to repair what feels like a lost connection. Put your heads together and dig into the vulnerable pieces of who you are. You share one heart. You are meant to be together.


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