The Magician…
This week has been full of potency. It may not feel like it, but there has been a transformative and powerful energy simmering underneath the surface of all that we have been doing! How have you used the many gifts at your disposal to your advantage? If you haven’t yet already recognized this, you have what you need to be successful. In fact the precious elements of personal triumph live within you and travel with you wherever you go. It’s time to make use of these natural abilities. Harness them and weave them together in a magic spell that will dazzle and delight. You have what you need, so use what you got. Beguile everyone around you with your incredible ability to manifest the remedy to any and all ailments. And, look fierce doing it, you magical creature!
“Your life is your magical wand.” - Mike Dooley
The Magician - Artists Rendering by Katoons88 on Deviant Art