The Magician into the Lovers (Reversed)…
If you are looking to manifest love, you have all the tools necessary for success, but you might want to reassess the brand of love spell you are casting. Be specific in your wants and desires, but remain open to the idea that the kind of partnership you think will be fulfilling, might not actually be for you. In fact, maybe you should tone down that fantastical approach and allow yourself the time to gain mental clarity on what love truly means to you. You may have to acknowledge that love might best fit into your world in a more unconventional way. Or, that you may have to reshape yourself a bit in order to let the right kind of love in. Also - be less definitive in your idea of what is right. Let love surprise you. Isn’t the ultimate goal to give in just enough to let your world to be turned upside-down in ways that are unexpected and rewarding? Keep making magic, but relinquish your sense of control…
“Life’s most beautiful moments often arrive unannounced, wrapped in the shimmering paper of unexpected surprises.” – Unknown
The Magician & The Lovers (Reversed) from the Star Spinner Deck by Trungles