The Magician (Reversed)…


Sometimes you can’t feel the magic, no matter how hard you try. You may feel stuck or uninspired in your current situation. When you try to change things, you just don’t see a new direction. When it comes time for action, your motivation is lacking. It’s ok. You can’t force it, because then you will just feel frustrated on top of it all. Give yourself permission to sit with this feeling of inertia, but trust that the magic is still there. You may not feel it, see it or sense it, but it is always there. A “lull” in life is sometimes necessary. Instead of fighting it, explore it. What is in this moment of quiet blue that you are trying to ignore? Befriend it. Before you know it, the magic will return.

“Allow yourself to rest. Your soul speaks to you in the quiet moments in between thoughts.” - Anonymous

The Magician (Reversed) from the Modern Way Tarot


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