The Moon - Reversed

The Moon (Reversed) from The Art Nouveau Tarot Deck

The Moon (Reversed) from The Art Nouveau Tarot Deck

Yesterday’s Card of the Day was The Sun Reversed. Today, for a Card of the Night we get The Moon Reversed. This is incredibly interesting to me. As a single card draw, The Moon Reversed, is calling to you - urging you to release hidden fears and anxieties and to open yourself up to your deep intuition. Tonight, see if you can lose yourself a little - let go of any residual daytime energy and give yourself over to the Moon. In your dreams, venture into the darkest places that appear to you. Walk into that cave, let go of your senses and see what is there. The Moon has a message for you, but to get this message, you must be willing to explore freely and without fear or hesitation. In this dark, unknown territory your message awaits. Remember that stars can’t shine without darkness.

As two cards, pulled back to back - Sun and Moon Reversed - there is a powerful and unseen energy that is holding you back from so many things. Being curious about this strange haze that has settled in all around you will help you to break through it. Light and Dark - Day and Night - give in to the natural duality of who you are. Free yourself and cast out the clouds!


The Eight of Swords


The Sun - Reversed