The Nine of Wands…


Hey, Warrior - You have been in this fight for a while, standing your ground and weathering the storm. Your passion and drive has bolstered your resolve and you now understand just how resilient you are. But, as the storm lifts, what do you see out there in the distance? What new adventure awaits? You’ve proven to yourself that you are a survivor, but don’t you long to be a thriver? The time is coming for you to advance. Be sure to take all of that passion, resolve and strength with you as you charge into the unknown of your potential. No fear, my friend - no fear.

“The path of the Warrior is lifelong, and mastery is often simply staying on the path.” - Richard Strozzi-Heckler

Nine of Wands - Illustrated by En Tze


The Wheel of Fortune…


The 3 of Pentacles (Reversed) into the King of Wands…