The Page of Pentacles…

Life is a classroom and learning is fun! But, seriously, there is so much to absorb that can inspire and delight and, today, you get to design your own lesson plan. What is something you have been dying to know more about - something that intrigues you? Or what do you sort-of understand that you thirst for more knowledge on? Make sure it’s something that fills you with wonder and then decide on your next step. There are so many ways to expand your knowledge - read a book, research it online, listen to a podcast, enroll in a class…so MANY ways. Here’s a fun idea - do you know someone who has experience in this subject? Set a date to take them to lunch and interview them. You can spend today generating your questions. Is it something you can only learn by doing? DO IT! Why not dive in and figure it out as you go. But, as you immerse yourself in this personal course study, set yourself up for success. Think about how you might best retain all of the information that you plan to learn and make sure you have what you need. The best part about this studious adventure? There are no prerequisites. You only have to show up with wild curiosity and an open heart. Happy learning!

“I am still learning.” - Michelangelo at age 87

The Page of Pentacles from the Frideborg Deck


The Hanged Man…


Ten of Swords (Reversed) into the Three of Cups…